Lord you are here.
Here in this moment, here in this place.
Not yesterday, with its memories
Not tomorrow, with its potential
But here now
This hour, this moment, this second
Present, near, alongside, within
Here now.

Lord you are here.
Here in this moment, in this place.
Not where I used to be, with its comforts
Not where I will be, with its challenges,
But here now
In this room, at this desk, before this computer screen
Present, near, alongside, within
Here now.

Yes, son, I am here.
Here in this moment, here in this place.
Always present, ever near
Closer than you think;
Holding you
Sustaining you
Giving you life
Listening, speaking, imparting.
This is my Name:

Father, I hear you.
Here in this moment, here in this place.
You are here, the eternal I AM
Your word my light
Your presence my strength
I rest contented
At peace
At home
In you.

Tony Horsfall