
Do you long to know Jesus more deeply? Do you want his example and teaching to shape you; to discover what being a follower of Jesus means today?

Whether you have been a Christian for may years or are new in the faith, these daily reading will inspire you to grow in love, knowledge and understanding of Jesus.

This 365-day devotional is a response to the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester ‘to see Thee more clearly, to love Thee more dearly and to follow Thee more nearly.’

Why not immerse yourself in the story of Jesus in order to become more like him?

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In Grief Notes Tony Horsfall charts the first year of his grief journey since the death of his wife from cancer. Month by month he tells the unfolding story of walking with and through loss, weaving this together with biblical teaching on grief and insights gained from grief counselling. With a poignant mix of honesty and humour, Tony shares the challenges of rebuilding his life and reflects on how he has seen God meet his needs as he wrestled with grieving in a time of lockdown and pandemic.

Available from  BRF




Finding Refuge, available on Amazon or Book Depository, or directly from 

This is my personal story following the news that my wife had terminal cancer. It charts our journey together during lockdown in 2020 to the hospice and then a Care Home. There we both contracted the corona virus, but I ended up in Intensive care. Through the skill of the medical staff and the worldwide prayer of God’s people I recovered, but could not be re-united with Evelyn. Sadly she passed away in July 2020, but with these words on her lips: ‘Thank you Jesus, you led me all the way.’



Mentoring Conversations, available from

30 key topics to explore together in a mentoring relationship, either one-to-one or in a small group. The topics are grouped around six headings; (1) Foundations, (2) Steps to Growth, (3) Living out your faith, (4) Going Deeper, (5) Staying Strong and (6) Living with Mystery

Each chapter begins with a Bible passage or text, followed by the author’s comments, then some starting-points for conversation and a reading list.


Resilience in life and faith

Co-written with Dr Debbie Hawker, available from

This book encourages us to develop our resilience and to prepare ourselves for the challenges that life throws at us in an increasingly difficult world. Through biblical wisdom and psychological insight, it shows us how to understand ourselves better, appreciate our areas of strength and strengthen our areas of weakness. Read this book if you want a faith that persists to the finishing line.


Attentive to God

Published by Graceworks, Singapore Also available from Book Depository

We all know how easy it is to lose concentration and let our attention wander. This also happens in the spiritual life. God speaks to us but we fail to recognise his voice, our minds are elsewhere, we are not attuned to his whisper. He wants to lead us and guide us, but we miss his gentle promptings. He is present all around us, yet we don’t register his nearness. This robs us of a greater depth in our relationship with him.

The purpose of this book is to help you become more consistently aware of God; to train your ear to hear his voice, and your eye to see what he is doing; to grow and improve so you can serve God more effectively.


Facing Midlife

Available from

This is a devotional booklet looking at the midlife transition from a Biblical perspective. It is arranged into daily readings with a Bible passage and then comment, and designed to be read over the course of a month.


Spiritual growth in a timespiritual-growth of change – following God in midlife

Available from

Midlife is one the key transitions in life and spiritually full of potential for growth and transformation. The period between 40 and 60 years however can also be fraught with danger and the possibility of making poor choices – hence the idea of a midlife crisis. In this book we look at how it is possible to navigate this stormy period with God’s help so that in the second half of life we reach our full potential and discover our true vocation. By looking at our past, considering our present, and looking ahead to the future we can chart a course that will lead us to growth and maturity. Helpful exercies will help you to reflect on your own journey, either alone or in company with others.


                                          Deep calls to deep – spiritual formation in the hard places of life

This book considers the book of Psalms as a handbook for spiritual formation, illustrating as it does the reality of life with God. It explores some of the psalms of lament to show how God often uses the difficult times in our lives to form the life of Christ within us. Six psalms are explained in detail, each accompanied by a story from real life to further explain the way in which God uses our experience of distress and darkness as transformative agents in our spiritual journey. Themes such as failure, depression, unjust suffering and feeling of abandonment are dealt with in a positive way, showing how God can be found even in such hard places.



Servant Ministry – a portrait of Christ and a pattern for his followers

Based on the first of the Servant Songs in Isaiah 42, this book looks at the importance of servant ministry in the life of the church today. Jesus himself came not to be served, but to serve; he said ‘I am among you as one who serves.’ His example, so clearly portrayed by Isaiah, becomes a pattern for the life of every believer. Loving service is what we are about, expressed in a multitude of ways.

The book looks at such key topics as: the servant’s identity and calling; the servant’s character and attitude; the servant’s      encouragement and confidence; the servant’s attentiveness and responsiveness. This is an important reminder to all involved in Christian ministry that we are not to get caught up in seeking status, power and fame, but in offering humble service to one who is a humble King.


                                            Rhythms of Grace – Finding intimacy with God in a busy life

Do you obey God purely because you ought to, or because you want to? Sometimes we can be so busy trying to do things for God that we forget to simply be with him…

In this age of busyness and activism we desperately need to hear the Spirit’s call to a more reflective approach to life This book is written especially for the evangelical and charismatic who is ready to explore the riches of the contemplative stream of the Christian faith – before they wear out or burn out.

Get away from drivenness; get into the rhythms of grace-filled living.

Available from


                              Mentoring for Spiritual Growth

Sharing the journey of faith9781841015620-l

BRF 2008  £7.99   Available from

This book is an introduction to spiritual mentoring for those who are exploring this aspect of discipleship or embarking on training for ministry as a mentor within their church. Taking the theme of the Christian life as a journey, it explores both the purpose and the process – what mentoring means, the benefits to all involved, and how to explore the call to become a mentor. It provides useful ‘road maps’ by which we can navigate our way through the Christian life, and explores some of the issues that commonly arise in the mentoring context.

                                 ‘One of the best introductions to mentoring I’ve read.’ James Lawrence, CPAS


     Working from a place of rest

Jesus and the key to sustaining ministry

BRF 2010  £7.99   Available from

Written with those in Christian ministry in mind, and especially those who live and work overseas, this book shows how we can operate from a place of rest – physical, emotional and spiritual. It is based on John 4 and the insight that everything that happens in the chapter (the conversion of the Samaritan woman and the mini-revival at Sychar), happens because Jesus was doing nothing – sitting by the well and having a breather. By looking at the example of Jesus, and how he lived and worked, we too can operate in the relaxed way that indicates we are allowing God to work in us and through us.

How liberating it is to realise that Jesus rested, and said ‘no’ to demands, and allowed needs to go unmet. This book can help us discern what God wants us to say ‘yes’ to, and when to say no; and learn to build margin into our lives so that we work from a place of rest. How are you? Busy? If so, and especially if you do not have time to read books, then this is the book for you.  Debbie Hawker, InterHealth


 A Fruitful Life

Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15

BRF 2006  £5.99   Available from

Here we ponder the teaching of Jesus in the famous ‘vine’ passage where Jesus teaches his disciples how they can live lives that produce spiritual fruit and glorify God. We are taken to the heart of the gospel message: the only way to live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live his life in us and through us.

Tony is also a regular contributor to New Daylight (daily reading notes) and Quiet Spaces (a spirituality journal), both published by BRF ( )