10-13 February 2025 Grace Space with Jack & Sandra Telfer
Step aside to be with the God of all grace, to meet with him where we really are and receive the deep refreshment only he can give. The retreat will include guided sessions, space for individual reflection and prayer and the opportunity for one to one prayer.
Penhurst Retreat Centre, Sussex
10-13 April 2025 KNOWING YOU, JESUS Tony & Jilly Horsfall For those in ministry and leadership, at home or abroad
This retreat is built around the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester which expresses his desire to know Jesus more fully in the beautiful words: ‘to see you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly.’
Hopefully this reflects the longing of every follower of Jesus, and by spending time in the gospel narratives we can immerse ourselves in his life so that by being with him we become like him and learn to do what he would do. There will be times for worship, personal reflection and personal accompaniment if desired.
We will be using material from the book ‘Knowing You, Jesus’ (BRF 2023) copies of which will be available at a discount price of £15 at the retreat.
Penhurst Retreat Centre, Sussex
2-5 June 2025 New Directions Retreat Jack & Sandra Telfer
This retreat/workshop is for full-time Christian workers returning to the UK after ministry overseas or for an extended home assignment. It provides an opportunity to `unpack` the transition process and issues around adjustment in a context of group discussion, reflection and prayer within the beautiful setting of the retreat centre.
Penhurst Retreat Centre, Sussex
30 June – 4 July 2025 Restore, Refresh, Recharge! – connecting to the life flow of God for mission and ministry partners – Jack & Sandra Telfer
An opportunity to lean back into the Lord – meet Him where we are and receive His love, grace and strength as we continue our journey with Him. We will reflect on our connectedness to Jesus, our receptivity and our capacity to engage with Him and His call for our lives.
Penhurst Retreat Centre, Sussex
4-7 September 2025 KNOWING YOU, JESUS Tony & Jilly Horsfall Open to all
This retreat is built around the famous prayer of Richard of Chichester which expresses his desire to know Jesus more fully in the beautiful words: ‘to see you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly.’
Hopefully this reflects the longing of every follower of Jesus, and by spending time in the gospel narratives we can immerse ourselves in his life so that by being with him we become like him and learn to do what he would do. There will be times for worship, personal reflection and personal accompaniment if desired.
We will be using material from the book ‘Knowing You, Jesus’ (BRF 2023) copies of which will be available at a discount price of £15 at the retreat.
Penhurst Retreat Centre, Sussex